
By: Marc A. Turner Copyright © 2000



I had all kinds of partners,

 but none can compare

To the last one I had,

 with the strange looking hair


We rode the squad car together

 day after day

But never a bad word
 did I hear him say


I would always be talken

 and sometimes be bitchen

He never interrupted…

he’d just sit there and listen


Then when I was all done

and wanted a reply

He’d give me an answer

with just the look in his eye


 I’d always kid him and say

that he’s not so smart

But he’d blow me away

when he showed me his art


He would see things that to me

just were not there

He would come up with clues

 seemingly out of mid air


At the end of each day

when it was time to go home

I’d ask him to come with me

so I would not be alone


He never said no

he was always right there

For all kinds of emotions

only partners could share


We worked hard for each other

but we really had fun

We’d work out together

then we’d go for a run


If I were down in the dumps

he’d bring me up without fail

With just a lick of my face…

and a wag of his tail….


Yeah that was my partner…

man's best friend

A K-9 named Trooper

and he was to the end


Well I will have others…

they’ll come and they’ll go

But in my book it’s Trooper…

who wins top of the show!





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