
By: Marc A. Turner - Copyright ©2000



Every day starts the same,

storm clouds in the air

They wither and leave;

I know she is there


Always with me inside

 to the depths of my soul

Darkness fades

as she takes full control


As we walk arm in arm,

no one can see

The strength and the guidance

 she gives to me


Daily toils and tribulations

 like knots in a rope

Just knowing she’s there

 allows me to cope


When the light starts to fade

 at the close of each day

I hear her sweet voice

 and to me she’ll say


Don’t forget me tomorrow,

I’ll be right by your side

Even though you can’t see me,

my love cannot hide


She’ll turn a cold winter’s night

to a warm springtime day

I pray to the Lord

that with me she’ll stay


I fear not when she’s with me,

free from all harm

Safe and content

with my Angel on my arm...




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