Detective Kyle Sheplak

Roxbury Township Police Department


October 1, 1968 - December 19, 2002





By: Marc A. Turner-Copyright©2003


I saw him from across the lot

With his Carharts, jeans and smile

He stopped, waved and hollered out…

As always… that was Kyle


Hey Sarge! He yelled and waved good-bye

As I left for home that day

Little did I ever know...

It was the last I‘d hear him say


The call came as the sun broke dawn

Strings of pain… pulled at my heart

He left us way ahead of time

So full of life…  too young to part


He was so intense with feeling

No matter what type the game

History, Sports, the Courts, the Law

It always was the same


But what I will never forget

Was the passion that he had

For all the emotions he displayed,

I never saw him sad


So Kyle, thank-you, for what you did

You always brought and shared a smile

The void you left... will always be

'Cause... there’d never be… another Kyle.






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Original Photo by: Steve Turko

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